Mini Symposia at Chemietage 2024

Mini Symposia at Chemietage 2024

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AG Geschichte der Chemie

AG Geschichte der Chemie

13:30 – 15:00                     SR Festkörperphysik (30 Plätze)

Univ.-Doz. Dr. Rudolf Werner Soukup: „Chemiehistorische Spaziergänge durch (das mittelalterliche) Wien“

FH-Prof. Dr. Michaela Kröppl: „Nussdorfer Chemikalienfabrik“

Dr. Gisela Boeck: „Lydia Sesemann – die erste Frau, die in Chemie promoviert hat“



SR Festkörperphysik (30 Plätze) im Gebäude und Stockwerk wie P1

AG Kernresonanzspektroskopie mit Bruker

On behalf of the working group for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (AG-NMR), we are pleased to invite you to a special mini-symposium as side event of the GÖCH Chemistry Days in Graz ( The mini-symposium will take place on Wednesday, September 25th, in the afternoon from 13:20 – 17:00 in HS TDK. It will feature a keynote lecture by Prof. Anne Schuetz (TU München) and five short presentations by young researchers in magnetic resonance from the Austrian research community with recent developments and applications of NMR spectroscopy including DNP, metabolomics, chaperones, and protein liquid phase separation.

Looking forward to seeing many of you in Graz for an exciting meeting!

Tobias Madl (MU Graz), Dennis Kurzbach (U Wien), and Frans Mulder (JKU Linz)


Also, a Bruker user meeting is being held in the morning from 11:00 - 12:30 for those who are not taking part in Chemietage. This event is of interest to the users and managers of Bruker NMR platforms. Please register separately by sending a short message by email to by 19 September latest to receive your free lunch voucher from Bruker.



11:00 – 12:30 Bruker user meeting

13:20 – 17:00 HS TDK (64 Plätze)

ASAC und AG Lebensmittelchemie


25. September 2024, gleich im Anschluss an die Chemietage

Ort: HS 'H' Ulrich Santner, NTEG230E, Kopernikusgasse 24

13:00 - Snacks and Networking

13:30 - Rudolf Krska (BOKU/FFoQSI), Erich Leitner (TU Graz) and Doris Marko (Uni Wien) Welcome and Introduction

13:40 - Christian Huck (Uni Innsbruck): The Near-Infrared and Imaging Spectroscopy in Food Analysis: Current and Future Directions

14:00 - Andreas Zitek, Stephan Hann (BOKU/FFoQSI): Traceability, authentication and provenance of food and food products by analytical methods?

14:20 - Michael Wiederstein, Kathrin Lauter, Sabine Baumgartner (BOKU/IFA-Tulln): Soybean an outstanding plant food with allergenic potential

14:40 - Elisabeth Varga (VetMedUni): Microalgal toxins – relevance and analytical challenges

15:00 - Networking Break

15:30 - Kangkang Xu, Dimitrios J. Floros, Franz Berthiller, Heidi Schwartz-Zimmermann: Development and validation of targeted liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric methods for the quantification of mammalian plasma metabolites

15:50 - Andrea Hochegger, Erich Leitner (TU Graz): Safety Assessment of Post-Consumer Recycled Plastics for Food Contact

16:10 - Jörg Feldmann, Viktoria Müller, Raquel Gonzalez de Vega, David Clases, Marc Preihs, Eleonora Matic, Andrea Raab (Uni Graz): PFAS in the environment and in biota – how big is the blind spot of the state-of-the-art LC-MS/MS

16:30 - Discussion

16:45 - End of Mini-Symposium


Ort: HS 'H' Ulrich Santner, NTEG230E, Kopernikusgasse 24

AG Medizinische Chemie & AG Organische Chemie

Dear Colleagues

On behalf of the working groups for Organic Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry, we are pleased to invite you to a special joint mini-symposium as part of the GÖCH Chemistry Days in Graz ( The mini-symposium will take place on Wednesday, September 25th, in the afternoon (13:30 – 17:00), and will feature two 90-minute sessions, including three keynote lectures and six short talks.

We are convinced that the program will be exciting for everyone interested in organic and medicinal chemistry, and we look forward to welcoming you all in Graz!

Additionally, we encourage you to attend the whole symposium (Mon. 23rd - Wed 25th) which features a fantastic line-up of speakers! 

With kind regards

Mario Waser
Hannes Mikula


13:30 – 17:00                   HS BMT (165 Plätze)

Event Details
  • Days
  • Start Date
    25.09.2024 1:30 pm
  • End Date
    25.09.2024 6:00 pm
  • Status
  • Organizer